Dua For Getting Married To The Person You Want

Dua For Getting Married To The Person You Want

Dua For Getting Married To The Person You Want or to get married to a specific person can be use to marry someone of your choice. You can use our dua to get married to someone you love.

How To Use Dua For Getting Married To The Person You Want?

Marrying the person you love is everyone’s dream. We all wish to spend our lives with someone who loves, respects, and understands us. Even in an arranged marriage environment, you might prefer to marry one person more than others.

Dua For Getting Married To The Person You Want

Dua For Getting Married To The Person You Want

This is true, even when you have a crush on someone. It would be a delight if you could marry the one you like. It would help if you first gave all your efforts so that the marriage can happen. Along with that, read dua for getting married to the person you want.

The dua will help you to pray to almighty so that he can fulfill your desires. We know that Allah is Almighty; if his blessings are with you, then no one can stop you from getting what you want. Now let us talk about the dua for getting married to the person you want. For doing that you will have to:

  • Make a fresh ablution and offer the Fajr Namaz
  • Read Durood Shareef for five times
  • Then you will have to read Surah E Muzzamil for 17 times
  • Now recite the following dua 111 times without interruptions-

“Ya Muabbil Awwzai Ya Mussabbil Assabi Ba iftiyar yaakhuna Subriyar khudai waa Ajaaba”

  • Then pray to Allah, telling him to get you married to the person you want. Do not forget to take his name.

It would help if you continued to do this for 13 days without fail. Inshallah, the almighty Allah will shower you with His blessings, eliminating all of your problems.

Which Dua Use To Get Married To A Specific Person?

Dua To Get Married To A Specific Person, When you fall in love, you might not always think how hard it can get to convince your parents for the marriage. Sometimes, we fall in love with someone whom our parents don’t approve of. In such a case marrying them can be a big challenge.

Firstly, you should try to convince your parents. Tell them why your choice is perfect and how happy you will feel about marrying him or her. Along with these efforts, do read the dua to get married to a specific person.

This dua will surely work in your favor. By reading this, you will receive the blessings of Allah. He will show you the right path and will also give you positive energies so that your wishes might come true. Read this dua to get married to a specific person with faith in your heart, and your desires will surely come true.

  • Make a fresh ablution and wear clean white clothes
  • Now read Durood Shareef for 17 times
  • Recite the following dua for 1111 times without any interruptions-

“Subrilahu Alahumma Mehboobin Taksiyar aa subrilan milafat Miltii yaa Haqeeb Budhboo Allahu yaa waasaili subhran”

  • Again recite Durood Shareef for 17 times
  • Then imagine the person you wish to marry, take his name and pray to Allah telling him about your desires.

Keep on doing this for 15 days to get the desired results. You will see that your parents have gradually changed their minds, and they will surely approve of the marriage. Have faith in Allah’s blessings.

Which Dua Use To Marry Someone of Your Choice?

Dua To Marry Someone of Your Choice, We all have this desire to marry the one we choose. But sometimes things can get tough, and we face a lot of obstacles in the path of marriage.

Parent’s objection is one of the main reasons that can stop you from marrying the one you love. It can happen due to societal pressure, caste issues, financial issues, and so on. Whatever might be the reason, the result is that they do not support your choice.

This can be very daunting and stress you up. If you are going through such a phase, then read dua to marry someone of your choice.

The power of dua is immense. Reading dua is like connecting to Allah directly. If Allah blesses your choice, then things will turn in your favor.

You will see that your parents’ thinking has changed and they will focus only on your happiness. But to do this, you should read the dua to marry someone of your choice properly. Follow the procedure properly to get the best results:

  • Make a fresh ablution and perform your Insha Namaz on a Friday
  • Take five almonds, keep four on a plate and take one in your hand
  • Then read this dua for 17 times, all this while you should hold the almond in your hand- “Waassikayat Subrillahi Muzzaarusu waa Kafiyatsar Bilkhayat.”
  • Then lightly blow on the almond and keep it aside. Repeat this step for other almonds.
  • Pray to Allah and feed the almonds to your parents with food.

Which Dua Use To Get Married To Someone You Love?

Dua To Get Married To Someone You Love, Love marriages do not always have a smooth going. Apart from the problems in a relationship, you might also find it challenging to convince your parents about your life’s love.

But when you and your partner cross all of these hurdles together and finally get married, trust us, and your bond will get stronger than ever.

The dua to get married to someone you love will help you to convince your parents about your partner. It also proves helpful in case your partner is reluctant about getting married anytime soon.

Reading the dua with faith in your heart will generate positive energy around you. This will work in your favor. Previously, all the people who did not approve of the marriage will now think otherwise. But for this, you will have to read the dua to get married to someone you love following all the rituals. The step by step procedure is as follows:

  • Wake up at 4 am and perform Wudu
  • Wear clean and white clothes. Then choose a quiet and lonely corner of your home to read the dua.
  • Now you should read the following dua 1111 times without any interruptions-

“Yaa waasalayi mussaambal latifayi kurfiyat waa raheemat”

  • All these while you should imagine the person you love and after reading the dua, pray to Allah telling him about your wishes

Keep on doing this for 15 days. Inshallah, Allah will fulfill your wishes, and soon your parents will approve to marry the one you love.

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#the #person #you #want #get #a
#specific #marry #someone #of
#your #choice #love

मनपसंद लड़के से शादी करने की दुआ

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